How to get PayPal Client Id and Secret Key?

Please find the steps below to find the PayPal Id and Secret Key for your PayPal account.

1. Go to PayPal Developers Website home page.

2. Then Login to the dashboard.

3. Go to “[Your Name]“, then go to “Dashboard” in the top right corner. You will get an option to “Create App“. Make sure you select [Live]. Create your new app.

4. Fill in the details for the new app and create a new app. A new screen will open.

5. On the next page, you will be able to see your PayPal Client Id and secret.

6. You have got the PayPal Client Id and secret.

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Web Support and Maintenance in Kenya

Web Support & Maintenance

Keep your website fresh, up to date and secure

Our services

1. Website Enhancement

By adding new pages, removing old links, optimising images and upgrading technology, we ensure your website is always up to date.

2. CMS System Upgrade
Our experienced team can upgrade your system to the preferred Content Management System.

3. Security Updates and Improvements
We ensure regular and continual security updates for improved performance and output.

4. Content Updates

We can help you add fresh, relevant and high-quality content to boost your search engine rankings.

5. Website Backups

We offer simple and easy backup services that ensure your website can recover quickly in case of any unexpected issue.

6. SEO & Analytics

Our SEO & analytics experts review and mine data to provide you with suggestions for better customer engagement.

Why choose Muki?

Handover your web maintenance services to Muki and you can focus on running your business while we look after your website for you.

Whether you are a start-up with limited resources to keep your website current and always available or a growing established a business where your IT team is overstretched and in need of extra support, Muki is here to help. Many businesses choose us as their web maintenance partner. It’s the smart choice for website owners who need development resource on tap.