No one likes a slow website

Site speed is a ranking factor. Therefore, if you have a slow website, it’s going to directly affect where you rank in the search.

If your competitor’s site is faster than yours, there’s a good chance they’ll outrank you – another no-brainier reason to technically optimize your website. is often a mix of some things you can fix yourself and other things you’ll need to get a  website developer to help you with. should not cost you a fortune, but this does depend on the complexity and size of your website.

The good news is that our website audit service is free – you can get a full, objective report on your website now to show you what needs to be addressed.

WordPress works beautiful straight out of the box, but when you start adding off-the-shelf themes and a range of plugins, stuff can get a bit more complicated.

A  audit of your website will highlight everything that needs to be fixed or improved.

The benefits of doing this are huge – basically speaking, the more technically optimized your site is, the more Google is likely to rank it more favorably.

Off-page takes in things like backlinks, social mentions, citations and a wide range of other stuff that influences where your site ranks.

It’s crucial to approach off-page SEO carefully and as part of a mapped-out plan.

If you don’t do this, your off-page work can end up looking inorganic, and this can be a message to Google that you are trying to spam your way to the top of the search results.

Off-page is complicated and takes time.

If anyone promises you instant results, avoid them like the plague.

Expectations are often too high when it comes to getting results quickly.

Off-page SEO takes, at an absolute minimum, three months, before you will see anything at all.

You’ll often hear SEOs talking about ‘easy wins’, and this is true – you’ll have some keywords hovering around the first page of results where some basic tweaking and off-page will positively influence these rankings, but these are often the exception, not the norm.


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