Content maintenance
Content maintenance
As well as making sure you’re creating new content regularly, you’ll need to update the old stuff, too. Prices and stats quickly become outdated, and staff bios need changing as people come and go. It’s a pretty big task.
These days, most website frameworks (yes, including WordPress!) have a content management system (CMS) built right in. This makes it easy for anyone in the business to update the site, no matter how tech-savvy they are.
As your content evolves, you might also need to add extra features to your website to make for a richer user experience, and to make sure that the content can actually fit on your site
Backups are good
Backups are good. Backup everything. Then backup your backups!
You get the picture.
Imagine how heartbreaking it would be if your website got a virus or was hacked, and you didn’t have a backup version to launch. Think of all the content that would need to be recreated.
Save yourself the hassle.
The process of backing up is slightly different for each web framework. If you have a WordPress website, you can get a plugin like the UpdraftPlus, which makes the process really simple.
Some hosting platforms actually provide a backup system, so it’s worth investigating that first
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