Unlock the Power of Academic Writing with Gondana.com Script!

Are you looking to start your own academic writing website and connect writers, clients, editors, and administrators seamlessly? Look no further! Gondana.com offers you a fully functional script that empowers you to create your own successful academic writing platform.

With the Gondana.com script, you gain access to a comprehensive set of features and tools designed to streamline the entire process, from connecting clients with skilled writers to ensuring quality editing and administration. Here’s what you can expect from our script:

  1. Writer Panel: Provide a user-friendly interface for writers to create profiles, showcase their expertise, and bid on writing projects. Writers can communicate directly with clients, submit completed assignments, and receive feedback.
  2. Client Panel: Enable clients to post project requirements, browse writer profiles, and select the best fit for their assignments. Clients can communicate with writers, track the progress of their projects, and receive completed papers securely.
  3. Editor Panel: Ensure the highest quality of academic papers with an editor panel that facilitates collaboration between writers and editors. Editors can review and refine submitted assignments, ensuring coherence, accuracy, and adherence to academic standards.
  4. Admin Panel: Take charge of your academic writing website with a robust admin panel that provides complete control over the platform. Manage user accounts, oversee project workflow, resolve disputes, and monitor site activity effortlessly.

Benefits of the Gondana.com Script:

  1. Customizable: Tailor the script to suit your specific needs. Modify the design, add additional features, or integrate it with your existing website seamlessly.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The script offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for writers, clients, editors, and administrators to navigate and utilize the platform effectively.
  3. Secure and Efficient Communication: Enable seamless communication between users with built-in messaging systems, ensuring clear and direct collaboration throughout the writing process.
  4. Scalable Solution: Whether you’re starting small or planning for future growth, the Gondana.com script provides a scalable solution that can handle increasing user demand and project volumes.
  5. Ongoing Support: Benefit from our dedicated technical support to address any issues or questions you may have during the setup and operation of your academic writing website.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to launch your own academic writing platform with the Gondana.com script. Empower writers, connect clients, ensure quality editing, and manage your site efficiently with our feature-rich script.

Visit Gondana.com today to get your hands on the Gondana.com script and kickstart your academic writing website!”

Please note that this is just a sample content for promoting the script, and you may need to tailor it to align with your specific selling points and target audience.


Opskill Academic Writing Script Alternative

21% of the academic world uses Academic Writing Script developed by opskill.

Client's script

Enrich our growing community.

  • You can place a new order
  • You can pay for your orders using 10+ payment methods.
  • The Orders tab allows clients to manage their orders. This tab shows all orders from the system up to date. It includes details like order numbers, dates created, tracking numbers, deadlines, status, status (available, completed, edited, un-appraoved or assigned), and payment options. You can also delete pending orders or add files to your orders.
  • Client can contact administrators/editors and writers, request revisions, upload files, raise disputes, approve, and reject the orders
  • Administrator can be reached via live chat
  • The client can rate the order and request revisions

Writer’s Script

Support special exhibitions.

  • Register and take the grammar test
  • There are three levels of writers: Standard, Premium, and Platinum. "
  • You can bid on orders or accept them directly, depending on the writer's level.
  • Once they have been assigned orders, can they confirm them? This process moves them to the "in Progress" list.
  • You can upload files to the "current orders".
  • You can request a deadline extension via the system (admin may deny or approve).
  • Send a message to get more information or clarifications
  • You can view all their bids.
  • You can view and track your financial returns and information in the "Financial Overview" tab
  • Chat with admin
  • You can edit your profile settings under 'My Profile'. Details include 'Personal Details', Update Password', ' Payment Details'

Admin’s Script

Get support at the next level.

  • You can create a new order
  • Can assign order, rate order, delete, edit, change status (completed, pending, approved, revision, assigned etc)
  • Can approve a pending/created Order to make it appear under the "Available” category for writers to claim and bid
  • You can view bids from writers and assign a writer
  • You can reassign an order from one writer or return it to new bidding
  • Can resolve disputes and return the disputed orders back to revision, complete, approved, or rejected status
  • You can view, download, and upload files to orders
  • Orders can be extended or modified, as well as the deadlines for whole orders.
  • You can add users to the system (editors, writers, clients)
  • You can approve or deactivate new writers and delete them
  • Can promote or demote writers. There are three types of writer: "Standard", Premium, and Platinum.
  • Can you terminate a writer account?
  • Chat client, writer, editor
  • Any user can SMS through the system
  • Modify email configurations, SMS configurations
  • Pricing, Subjects, Urgency, Type of Paper, etc. on Editi Site


Academic Writing Website Design Services in Westland

Academic Writing Website Design Services in Westland

Academicwritingscript.com design and develop mobile-friendly academic writing websites that increase traffic, and brand exposure, and generate more leads for academic writers.

Academic Writing Script is dedicated to helping you grow your academic writing business brand with strategic graphic design solutions. We do this by creating academic writing websites that reflect the values and mission of your online academic writing ventures.

We are able to create responsive academic writing websites that are customized for WordPress. We offer web development packages that include ongoing support and maintenance, so you don't have to worry about maintaining your academic writing website.

Academic Writing Website Design Services in Westland

We consider many factors when creating an academic writing website, from the target audience to the usability of different devices. During the development and design of your academic writing website, we conduct research on the subjects you will be offering to identify their unique characteristics and advantages. We use this information to help you create content and a writing website structure that is easy to navigate. When designing and developing a website for your essay ordering platform, our ultimate goal is to communicate your message clearly while strategically displaying the key details of its products or services.

Websites are customizable to your needs and goals and can be customized to be 100% customizable.

We offer academic writing web design and development services to create a website that is unique for your needs, no matter if you are a large corporation or a small start-up.


Best Academic Writing Web Designers

Best Academic Writing Web Designers

Academic Writing Script Website that features Client, Writers, and Admin Ordering Systems. Academicwritingscript.com writing sites have gained popularity among students and professionals who have too many things to do in a short time span both in Kenya and worldwide. Our simple business models and high-profit potential are helping entrepreneurs in Kenyan and African countries launch similar websites for freelance writers.

To make it easier for freelance writers to start an online marketplace, we have the best Academic writing script in the world. This script was created after a thorough analysis of the most popular and well-known essay writing platforms on the market.

This script features the most current features, such as academic and creative writing-based platforms. The best essay writing marketplace script on the internet will help you start your online business as a freelance entrepreneur.

What I offer :



  • Place Orders Based On Instructions
  • Monitor Orders Via Their Portal
  • Download/Upload Files
  • Send Messages To Support & Writers
  • Edit & Delete Orders In Pending Status
  • Return Client Choose Preferred Writer
  • Rate Writers Depending on Performance
  • Earn Commissions by Referring Friends
  • Tip Your Best Writers


  • Orders
  • Take Orders Depending on Their Level
  • Communicate With The Client
  • Communicate With Support
  • Monitor Current/Past Earnings
  • Monitor Their Ratings


  • Monitor Multiple Sites From One Place
  • Dashboard Showing All Orders Stats
  • System Sets Writers Deadline
  • Pay Writers Based On Their Level
  • Give Specific Discounts Per Client
  • Track Editors Earnings
  • Monitor & Pay Writer Earnings Efficiently
  • Customize Prices Per Website

Why Choose Us As Your Academic Writing Web Development Agency?

Why Choose Us As Your Academic Writing Web Development Agency?

We've built hundreds of writing websites with a variety of tools. We offer a variety of CMS options for simple writing sites, as well as custom-built academic writing apps and portals. Our goal is to deliver a high-quality academic writing site that is easy to use and manage. We will also help you to maximize its potential.

We are more than an academic writing web development team.

We care about your success. We can help you find customers online. We'll get to know you and your writing ventures so that we can create and maintain the best writing website.

Our Academic Writing Website Development Process

The web development team creates writing websites that are easy to use and drive more clients. We take steps to ensure you have a writing website that meets your goals. These are the steps in our process:

View Demo
Order Academic Writing Website

Amount of money you can make from Academic writing in Kenya per month

Amount of money you can make from Academic writing in Kenya per month?

To earn a living, youths in Kenya can do academic writing. One can earn more than Ksh150 000 per month. In a good month, the amount can be over Ksh300 000. The amount earned depends on how hard one works.

Academic writing jobs pay Ksh 200-Ksh 2 500 per page. The average page count per day is 10, which means that you can earn Ksh2000 or more every day, translating to over Ksh60000 per month.

These testimonies show that academic writing can pay but only if it is committed. You should also own your own account to make a decent income.

Here are some of the top academic writing sites in Kenya.

  • Edusson.com.
  • Asiawriters.com.
  • Bluecorpservice.com.
  • Academia-Research.com.
  • UVOCorp.com.
  • Allwriting.net.
  • FreelanceWritingCenter.com.
  • WriterBay.com.

Apart from academic writing jobs from the account, you can also own your academic writing website. The good thing about your website is that you are your own boss, you can also earn money while doing nothing. To create an academic writing website, first, you need a domain name and web hosting services. Academicwritingscript.com is one of the best developers of academic writing websites

View Demo
Order Academic Writing Website

Academic writing ordering system in nigeria

Academic writing ordering system in Nigeria

Get started today with our ready-made academic website script! You can get assignments direct from customers, hire thousands of writers, and manage them through the system.

You can also hire editors to help you manage writers' jobs deadlines disputes and other tasks. Automate your work today! The system features an automated messaging system, and each order/action is accompanied by a notification message.

There are two sections: Customers' and writers' ends.

Getting orders
*Get orders directly from customers.
*Get paid directly to your Paypal on each order
*Outsource orders from other writing sites and let your writers work on them

System full control
*Control Pricing based on the number of pages, deadline, academic level, type of paper, etc.
*Control when and how you want to pay writers
*Control currency through which to pay Writers
*Control payment methods
*Control a fraction of the total amount to go to the writer, either as a flat rate per page or as a fraction of the total order value.

Customers’ Accounts
*Accounts are created automatically upon making an order (you can also enable creation). They can log into their accounts and view order progress.
*Customers get notified of the order number, pages, description, and other details via their emails upon making an order
*Customers get notification when an order is completed, assigned, sent for revision, uploaded, or canceled

Start your academic writing business today. You can also manage clients and writers professionally with a ready-made academic writing script.

Awasam writing sites have gained popularity amongst students, and professionals in Nigeria, Kenya, and around the globe who have too many things to do.

Our simple business models and high-profit potential are helping entrepreneurs in Nigeria, Kenya, and Africa to launch similar websites for freelance writers.


Why have backlinks in your academic writing website?

Why have backlinks on your academic writing website?

Backlinks are links from other websites that link back to your site. Backlinks are an essential part of any SEO strategy as they help search engines like Google identify which websites are popular and relevant.

This can help your website rank higher on SERPs, making it more likely that people will visit your site. The first is to create high-quality content other people will want you to link to. This could be a blog article, an infographic, or a simple how-to guide.

It's also possible to reach out to other website owners to ask if they would be interested in linking your content. However, not all backlinks will be created equal. It is generally more valuable to have a few quality backlinks from well-respected websites than a lot of low-quality links coming from less popular sites.

For more information contact 0725537399


How to create an academic writing website

How to create an academic writing website

Freelancers are the reality. Did you know? Did you know that more than one-third of American workers contributed $1.2 trillion to the American economy through freelance work during the COVID-19 pandemic?

This is 22 percent more than in 2019. It is predicted that freelancers will be the majority of the workforce by 2027, with more than 86 million Americans freelancing.

You can choose to work solely as a freelancer or take on side projects alongside your full-time job. You're joining a growing number of creative and untethered craftspeople who are looking for flexible alternatives to traditional jobs.

The growth and innovation of technology have made it more attractive for freelancers. 42 percent of freelancers found work via social media.

Freelance work is becoming more valuable in these uncertain times of the economy and pandemics. We know that you are out there bringing light to the world with your beautiful language.

You are more needed than ever! But freelancers must do all the marketing legwork. This means you must make use of every tool to build a successful writing business. Your greatest weapon? A relevant web presence is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. You don't have to search for work through the classifieds. Having an online presence and a strong virtual resume is essential to get noticed and earn $$$..

A top-of-the-line website. A killer website for freelance writers is essential to generating leads and quality writing gigs. We'll show you how.


Academic Writing Ordering Script for Sale

Academic Writing Ordering Script for Sale

Are you tired of being banned from your Academic Writing Accounts? Be your own boss!

We have created a fully-functional Academic Writing Ordering Script that includes several templates for websites.

This script allows you to hire writers and get orders directly from clients. It’s easy to use. No programming is required. We can also clone top academic websites to make your website look exactly like theirs. Contact us today to start your academic writing journey.

– Define your own pricing
– Connect unlimited websites
– 100% Plug and play
– Compatible with WordPress
– Free Pricing Calculator
– Bulk SMS Feature
– Client – Writer Chat
– Paypal Compatible
– Discount Codes for Clients
– eWallet For Easy Payments
– Client Reviews enabled
– Writers Bidding System
– Automatic writer payments
– Free Setup on purchase

We created a fully-functional website for academic writing to manage both client orders as well as writer bidding. The academic writing system makes it easy to manage a profitable academic business on autopilot. Clients place orders on your website, and orders are sent to the writer’s site. You are the administrator and oversee the backend of the process.

We have developed several Academic WordPress themes to allow you to launch a full academic website in minutes using codeless technology. Our WordPress themes can be downloaded quickly and are lightweight. They are also built using Elementor, which is the best drag and dropped page builder I have ever seen. We want you to be a professional in the academic industry. This will allow you to have a steady stream of students and allow you to manage your own editors and writers.