Opskill Academic Writing Script Alternative

21% of the academic world uses Academic Writing Script developed by opskill.

Client's script

Enrich our growing community.

  • You can place a new order
  • You can pay for your orders using 10+ payment methods.
  • The Orders tab allows clients to manage their orders. This tab shows all orders from the system up to date. It includes details like order numbers, dates created, tracking numbers, deadlines, status, status (available, completed, edited, un-appraoved or assigned), and payment options. You can also delete pending orders or add files to your orders.
  • Client can contact administrators/editors and writers, request revisions, upload files, raise disputes, approve, and reject the orders
  • Administrator can be reached via live chat
  • The client can rate the order and request revisions

Writer’s Script

Support special exhibitions.

  • Register and take the grammar test
  • There are three levels of writers: Standard, Premium, and Platinum. "
  • You can bid on orders or accept them directly, depending on the writer's level.
  • Once they have been assigned orders, can they confirm them? This process moves them to the "in Progress" list.
  • You can upload files to the "current orders".
  • You can request a deadline extension via the system (admin may deny or approve).
  • Send a message to get more information or clarifications
  • You can view all their bids.
  • You can view and track your financial returns and information in the "Financial Overview" tab
  • Chat with admin
  • You can edit your profile settings under 'My Profile'. Details include 'Personal Details', Update Password', ' Payment Details'

Admin’s Script

Get support at the next level.

  • You can create a new order
  • Can assign order, rate order, delete, edit, change status (completed, pending, approved, revision, assigned etc)
  • Can approve a pending/created Order to make it appear under the "Available” category for writers to claim and bid
  • You can view bids from writers and assign a writer
  • You can reassign an order from one writer or return it to new bidding
  • Can resolve disputes and return the disputed orders back to revision, complete, approved, or rejected status
  • You can view, download, and upload files to orders
  • Orders can be extended or modified, as well as the deadlines for whole orders.
  • You can add users to the system (editors, writers, clients)
  • You can approve or deactivate new writers and delete them
  • Can promote or demote writers. There are three types of writer: "Standard", Premium, and Platinum.
  • Can you terminate a writer account?
  • Chat client, writer, editor
  • Any user can SMS through the system
  • Modify email configurations, SMS configurations
  • Pricing, Subjects, Urgency, Type of Paper, etc. on Editi Site


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